
I have been an independent candidate and campaigner for independent politics for many years. I have worked with both local and national groups to help encourage more people to stand as independent candidates and to be elected as independent councillors.

I believe that the best people to represent the views of local people are local people themselves, which is why I actively encourage local people to get involved in their Parish, Town or District Councils. Centralising decision-making into an exclusive group of people that are out of touch with the communities they represent has caused many of the problems we are now living with. There is a better way, and that way is independent representation at every level.

I moved to Portishead in 1972 where I attended High Down School and then I moved up to Gordano School. After leaving Gordano I worked in insurance in Bristol and then in London, I returned to Portishead in the 1990’s where I opened an insurance brokers in the High Street, I then went on to open a computer shop and a broadband company in Portishead. I also returned to further education gaining a Batchelor Of Laws (ll.b) Honours degree in 2015.

I was elected to Portishead Town Council in the 1990’s, I was elected again in 2002 and then re-elected in May 2023 at which time I was also elected to North Somerset Council where I am a member of the Executive with responsibility for Adult Services and Stronger Communities.

I believe that decisions should always be made as closely as possible to the people they affect, which is why I am working on moving decision making in North Somerset into more local groups and where possible transferring powers to Town and Parish Councils.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like any further information.

Roger Whitfield ll.b(Hons)